Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 7

Now we will see few grammar rules.

Link to last session.
Link to translate and listen.

Regelmäßige Verben



ich höre musik du hörst mich
ich spiele fußball du spielst Fußball
ich lerne deutsch du lernst Deutsch
ich wohne in deutschland du wohnst in Deutschland
ich lächle du lächelst
ich arbeite als lehrerin du arbeitest als Lehrer
ich finde dass du findest das
ich heiße marvin  du heißt ist dev
I hear music you hear me
I play football you play soccer
I'm learning German you learn German
I live in Germany you live in Germany
I smile you're smiling
I work as a teacher you work as a teacher
I think that you think that
my name is Marvin your name is Dev

he/she/it(er/sie/es) we/they/you(wir/sie/Sie) you-all
er hört mich Wir hören dich ihr hört
er spielt Fußball wir spielen Fußball ihr splilt
sie lernt Deutsch wir lernen Deutsch ihr lernt
sie lebt in Deutschland wir leben in Deutschland ihr wohnt
es lächelt wir lächeln ihr lächelt
er arbeitet als Lehrer Wir arbeiten als Lehrer ihr arbeitet
er findet eine lösung wir finden eine lösung ihr findet
er heißt sie  wir heißen sie ihr heißt
he hears me We hear you you hear
he plays football we play football you play
she learns German we are learning German you learn
she is living in Germany we live in Germany you live
it smiles we smile you smile
he works as a teacher We work as a teacher you work
he finds a solution we will find a solution you find
he called them we are called you are called

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 6

We will learn few rules and formal representation of nouns today.

Link to previous session.

Link to translate and listen

General Rules

* For all the nouns the first letter should be capital irrespective of its position in a statement
* If 'a'  'o'  'u' preceeds  'ch' the sound will be english 'KH'
* When 'S' is followed by any vowel it will take half sound of  english 'Z'
* All nouns fall in three categories (masculine - der, feminine -die, neutral-das)
* All genders are represented by articles.
* When a vowel is followed by one consonant the vowel is pronounced long
* Most verbs end with 'en' and 'n'
* Personal pronouns  for der, die and das are  er, sie and es respectively
* Plural for der/die/das is die.
* Notation
                  (article short form ) (noun) , (plural postfix)

                   Singular : der Liebling   Plural : die Lieblinge
                    is written as

                                            r Liebling, -e

* Always 'ei' sounds as 'i' and 'ie' sounds as 'e'.
* For composite words, the article is the same as article for the last word
das Jahr  + e Zeit = e Jahreszeit




Favourite r Liebling,-e
Idea e Vorstellung, -en
Book s Buch, Bücher
Voice e Stimme, -n
Rule e Regel, -n
Exception e Ausnahme, -n
Table r Tisch, -e
Bag e Tasche, -n
Day r Tag, -e
Season e Jahreszeit, -en
Week e Week, -n
Year s Jahr, -e
Time e Zeit,  -en
Cheese r Käse, -n

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 5

Today we will learn the numbers.
Link to previous session

Use the link to translate and listen

The Numbers (die Zahlen)

zero null
one eins
two zwei
three drei
four vier
five fünf
six sechs
seven sieben
eight acht
nine neun
ten zehn
eleven elf
twelve zwölf
thirteen dreizehn
fourteen vierzehn
fifteen fünfzehn
sixteen sechszehn
seventeen siebzehn
eighteen achtzehn
nineteen neunzehn
twenty zwanzig
twentyone einundzwanzig
tewentytwo zweiundzwanzig
twentynine neunundzwanzig
thirty dreißig
forty vierzig
fifty fünfzig
sixty sechzig
seventy siebzig
eighty achtzig
ninety neunzig
hundred hundert
hundred one hundertundeins
hundred sixty seven hundert siebenundsechzig
onehundredtwentythree Einhundertdreiundzwanzig
thousand tausend
tenthousand zehntausend
million Million
billion Milliarde

Monday, August 8, 2016

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 4

Today we will learn about parts of a day, seasons of a year and days of a week.

Link to previous lesson

Lesson 7

Parts of a day - Seasons of a year  - Days of a week

  • Parts of a day (Tag)                                                                                                                                    

    • Morning - forenoon - noon - afternoon - evening - night
    • Morgen - Vormittag - Mittag - Nachmittag - Abend - Nacht                                                  

  • Seasons of a year (Jahreszeit)                                                                                                                           

    • Winter    (December,January,February) 
    • Spring    (March, April, May)
    • Summer (June, July, August)
    • Fall         (Septmber, October, November)                                                                             
    • Winter    (Dezember, Januar, Februar)
    • Frühling (März, April, Mai)
    • Sommer (Juni, Juli, August)
    • Herbst    (September, Oktober, November)

  • Days of a week (Woche)                                                                                                                               

    • Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    • Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 3

Now that we know the alphabets, how to spell our names, and how to introduce ourselves lets get into little bit of grammar.

Lesson 6


In German language all the nouns fall in three categories.
  1. Masculine (Maskulin)
  2. Feminine  (Feminin)
  3. Neuter      (Neutrum)
Each gender is represented by an article.
  1. Maskulin    ------ der
  2. Feminin      ------ die
  3. Neutrum     ------ das

There are no such rules to determine gender in German language. Also sometimes it feels illogical to apply certain genders to specific nouns. But in German its mandatory and nouns take genders in a disordered manner. So with experience only one can master the genders.  However there are certain simple rules which helps in knowing the gender in some specific situations.

Nouns ending with
  1. -or, -ling, -smus, -ig are mostly masculine (der)
  2. -ung, -ion, -ik, -ei     are mostly feminine (die)
  3. -tum, -lein, -ma, -met are mostly beuter (das)

  • der Mann , der Doktor, der Spezialist, der Früling,  der Zwiling, der Egoismus, der Jäger
  • die Frau , die Region,  die Freundschaft, die Schönheit, die Einladung
  • das Brot , das Erlebnis, das Dokument, das Buch

Extra Notes : how to write the special symbols that we have seen in last few lessons ?
ä = Alt 132                     ö = Alt 148                            ü = Alt 129
Ä = Alt 142                   Ö = Alt 153                           Ü = Alt 154
ß = Alt 225

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Let's learn german (Wir lernen Deutsch) 2

Earlier we have learnt basic greetings and the alphabets.
Link : 

Lesson 3

Spell your name, please.

Buchstabieren sie Ihren Namen, bitte.

D E B E S H            DE A BE A ES HA
V O L K E R           FAU O EL KA A ER
J U P P                   YOT OU  PE PE

Use the link and write some names with each letter followed by a space and listen carefully.

Lesson 4

Introductory questions       Einleitende Fragen

What's your name? Wie heißen Sie?
What is your first name? Wie ist Ihr Vorname?
What is your surname? Wie ist Ihr Nachname?
Where are you from? Woher kommen Sie?
What is your mother tongue? Wie ist Ihre Muttersprache?
Where do you live? Wo wohnen Sie?
What's your occupation? Was sind sie von beruf?
Where do you work? Wo arbeiten Sie?
What is your hobby? Was ist Ihr Hobby?

Lesson 5

To introduce oneself                                   Sich selbst vorstellen

Copy the new word and listen

My name is Debesh Swain. Ich heiße Debesh Swain.
My first name is Debesh. Mein Vorname ist Debesh.
My last name is Swain. Mein Nachname ist Swain.
I come from Odisha. Ich komme aus Odisha.
My native language is Odia. Meine muttersprache ist Odia.
I live in Bangalore. Ich wohne in Bengaluru.
I am an engineer ich bin ein Ingenieur
I work in I T firm. Ich arbeite  in I T firm.
My hobby is cooking. Mein Hobby ist Kochen.

Let's Learn German

Recently I have started learning German Language. In this blog post series I will share my experience. Hope it will be helpful for few who are newbie like me.

There are many free web series in YouTube and free Android apps which anyone can access for self learning. Google translator comes handy for learning any language.

So then lets get started. I will use German words along with English words from the beginning itself. Don't get frustrated like me if you find some strange symbols/sounds  while learning from scratch.  Even I don't know them all . Hope in due course we all will know what are all those.

When ever you find a German Word just copy it and run it in Google Translator and listen to it, to how it is pronounced.  I will keep on putting the Translator URL in between the post so that you don't forget to listen how it sounds.

Lesson 1.

The Greetings / Welcome Remarks          die Grüßung

Good morning Guten Morgen
Good day Guten Tag Schönen Tag
Good evening Guten Abend
Good night Gute Nacht
Good bye (Formal) Auf Wiedersehen
Bye (Informal) Tschüss 

Sleep well Schlaf schön
Sweet dreams Schöne Träume
See you later Bis später
Thank you very much danke schön 
Love you Ich liebe dich
Please Bitte
Welcome Willkommen
Hello Hallo

Note : 
  1. Every where its Guten but for night its Gute, this is because in German language night is feminine and others are masculine.
  2. Also you can find the 2nd words with capital letter, this is because in German language  for all the nouns the starting letter is written in capital .

Hey, you just got your first German rule

Always keep the first letter of noun as capital letter wherever it may come in a statement.

Lesson 2

The alphabet                                                                   Das Alphabete

a b c d
aa be se de
e f g h
a ef gue ha
i j k l
e yot ka el
m n o p
em en o pe
q r s t
ku er es te
u v w
ou fau ve
x y z
iks upsilon tset

Search any alphabet song from Youtube  and sing :)
German Alphabet Song

Other than these there are few other special sounds
a+e ä aye
o+e ö woo
u+e ü you
s+s ß strong S sound

(the .. is for sound of e and is called umlaut)

Whenever there is 'ei' in a word that sounds like 'i' and
whenever there is 'ie' in a word that will give a 'e' sound.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

SAP ISU intro



Let’s first understand Utility, and then we will extend the concept to SAP Utility.

What does Utility really mean?

Utility has 2 different meanings based on its context.
1.       In Economics & game theory Utility means the Satisfaction a person receives from the use of goods or service
2.       In business Utility refers to a company which produces and distributes vital energy or water resources (essential nature of service) to customers. Generally these companies usually operate as a local monopoly regulated by the government to protect consumers from price gouging.

Ok, now that I know the literal meaning, what it really means to me?

When one moves to a house or an apartment, one need basic services like gas, water, electricity, sewage, broadband internet,  All these comes under utility sector.

Utility Sector!!!

As utility companies require significant infrastructure to build and maintenance, there are very few players in the business.  Very less market completion exists in this sector. One firm when able to produces at lower cost than competitors, competitors eventually priced out of the market (natural monopoly).  Moreover duplication of efforts by other firms is wasteful as the industry is characterized by economies of scale. Therefore governments regulate public utilities so that there won’t be monopoly side effects on consumers and they can receive a reasonable service at a fair price. The regulations help in reliability, universal accessibility and national security.

In many countries utilities are owned by government. Government creates autonomous bodies to prevent them from political interference. The goals of these bodies are generally aligned towards societal goals. For all utilities operational excellence is an important differentiator. Achieving this ambitious goal depends on optimizing cutomer facing or resource consuming process without weakening the quality of products and services.

SAP ISU: Industry specific solution for Utilities Industry

It is also referred as SAP CCS (Customer care and services) /SAP CR&B (Customer Relations and Billing).
It is used for managing and billing residential, commercial, industrial and prospective customers.
1.       Device management
2.       Customer Service
3.       Billing and Invoicing
4.       FICA (Contracts account receivable and payable  for utilities, insurance and telecom module)           (I will define each in the upcoming blogs)

It uses full-fledged R3 components like Material management, Plant & Maintenance, Sales & distribution and Warehouse management.

Basic Functions:
1.       Regional Structure (Postal & Political)
2.       Scheduling
3.       Meter reading Unit
4.       Portion
5.       Schedule master records

Master data:
1.       Business Master data
a.       Business partner
b.      Contract Account
c.       Utility Contract
2.       Technical Master data
a.       Connection Object
b.      Premise
c.       Device Location

Business master data and technical master data are integrated by having utility installation. 

SAP ISU Integration

The integration of the SAP BW, SAP CRM and SAP IS-U systems makes it possible to model and analyze all sales processes - from customer acquisition through product ordering to billing - across all systems.

CRM: Customer Interaction System
CRM is the front-end system used for interaction with the customer. It contains the full range of functions from the areas of marketing, sales, and customer retention
CRM performs all activities relating to customer interaction. Various channels, such as call centers, Internet and laptops can be used to communicate with customers. Data objects are synchronized via the Middleware and exchanged with the backend and analysis systems.

IS-U: System for Device Management, Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, Billing, and Invoicing. IS-U is the backend system. Information on new customers is not transferred to IS-U until a contract has been concluded with the customer. It contains all the data and transactions for the following areas: device management, contract accounts receivable and payable, billing, and invoicing.

BW: System for Analyses, Planning, Monitoring, and Success Checks. When integrated, serves as instrument for analyses, planning, monitoring, and success checks. BW enables you to gather information from any system (CRM, FI, IS-U as well as external systems) in Info Cubes and evaluate them based on your requirements.

Data Synchronization between CRM and IS-U 
Both IS-U and CRM can operate independently and in combination with external systems. This necessitates the existence of central objects in both systems. In an integrated scenario, there are a few objects that are synchronized via the Middleware since they must be available in both systems. The integrated scenario SAP CRM and SAP IS-U supports the automatic synchronization of the following objects: 
·         Business partners and their contract accounts
·          Contracts
·         Connection objects and points of delivery
·         IS-U contacts in CRM activities
